On Self-Respect
If you resent having to work for a living, then you can’t possibly respect yourself, and if you can’t respect yourself, you can just forget about the people around you.
— Montel Williams
Quotes and Anecdotes That Speak to My Soul
If you resent having to work for a living, then you can’t possibly respect yourself, and if you can’t respect yourself, you can just forget about the people around you.
— Montel Williams
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This Quote…
…certainly tows the Protestant-work-ethic line, but it feels very out of date now.
The concept of ‘working for a living’ has been taken way too far. Tribal peoples lived (and, in some places, live) very comfortably, in tune with their surroundings, and they spend anything from 2-4 hours a day keeping the basics of body and soul together – water, food, shelter etc. The rest of the time they get creative, or spend it with the children, or sit in the sun.
Compare this to the amount of hours the average Brit or American works to keep his or her life together. Sure, they might have a ‘better’ lifestyle, but no time to enjoy it, or their children!
Not to mention, of course, that this ‘better’ lifestyle is proving to be ecologically unsustainable.
It’s time to put work back into perspective, back to the secondary place where it belongs, and to disconnect it from self-respect.
Excellent one! So true!