On Silence

Posted by editormum on 13 January 2005 in Uncategorized |

It is better either to be silent, or to say things of more value than silence. Sooner throw a pearl at hazard than an idle or useless word; and do not say a little in many words, but a great deal in a few.

— Pythagoras

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  • workinprogress says:

    If that’s the same guy that gave us the Pythagorean Theorem, I refuse to respect his wisdom based upon my irrational hatred of algebra and geometry.

  • editormum says:

    What’s irrational about hating Algebra and Geometry? I hated Algebra so much that I failed it the first time around. I passed it the second time, but if anyone ever puts a gun to my head and says “Solve this quadratic equation or die,” well, I’m going to reach around and pull the trigger myself to save him the effort.

    I did, however, love Geometry. I’ve been told that Geometry is the most language-oriented of the mathematical sciences, and I believe it. I made straight As in Geometry until the day they started adding stinking Algebra into the stuff. Then I made straight Ds.

    And yeah, it’s the same guy. But I thought the Pythagorean Theorem was WAY cool.

  • honeykat4 says:

    How about the Foil method! I love Algebra and Geometry! so Pathagorian
    is that like pathetic A squared x b squared = c Squared it is the square of the triangle!! wooooweee!

  • editormum says:

    Yeah, the Pythagorean Theorem is

    [a(a)] + [b(b)] = [c(c)]


    The sum of the squares of two sides of a right triangle equals the square of the hypotenuse.

  • majroj says:

    Ole Big P was obviously never a blogger!

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